About Equeen
Hayley Benton founded Equeen in 2021- we're just getting started!
Hayley has over 20 years experience in the equine world, running a livery yard working in all weathers, all year round.
Equeen was born when Hayley's horse, India, was diagnosed with head shaking caused by a pain in her Trigeminal nerve. Hayley tried riding India in an anatomical bridle and for the first time in years India's head shaking stopped!
Hayley was able to ride India more comfortably, taking pressure off her nerves.
With India in mind, Hayley founded Equeen to sell anatomical bridles and head collars at an affordable price making them more accessible to the whole of the horse world. The bridles and head collars are also stylish, hard wearing and eco-friendly.
In the near future, Hayley wishes to create a whole clothing range for horse and rider at an affordable price. Watch this space!

Hayley wanted to use short single powerful word to name her company and design that showed this.
The name Equeen, combines the words equestrian and queen into one. Hayley wants her customers horses and riders to feel comfortable in Equeens bridles and head collars.